How To Shift Into 5D Unity Consciousness

Ever hear people go on and on about 5D? Maybe you keep hearing the term ‘Unity Consciousness’ or ‘Christ Consciousness’, but you’re not exactly sure what it means. Read on to learn more about these terms, and how we can collectively reach 5D, Unity Consciousness as a planet, so we can all live a happier and more empowered existence. 

What is 5D Unity Consciousness?

So what exactly IS 5D, Unity Consciousness, or Christ Consciousness? Essentially, it's the next level of our journey as the human race, and as a planet. 

Unity Consciousness is the next step AFTER the patriarchy. The patriarchy, in its simplest form, is really just a manifestation of duality. And we're currently in the process of leaving that duality, that separation from one another, all of that divisiveness. 

We're shifting into Unity Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, which represents Divine Love. It also represents Divine boundaries, personal responsibility and accountability, and Integrity Consciousness. And that’s really what 5D, Christ Consciousness and Unity Consciousness all are. I’m using those terms together, because although certain people resonate with different words, they all mean the same thing. 

How do we get there? 

So, how do we actually GET to this 5D, Christ Consciousness, Unity Consciousness place anyway?  Well, the first thing we need to understand is that it's not a one-shot deal kind of thing. We can't take one class on it and then - *poof* - suddenly we’re in 5D!

That's just not the way it works. 

Things are a lot more complicated. We have a lot of layers to sort through. We have layer after layer of generations, lineages and ancestors. We have mental and emotional processes, and patterns of behavior that we have to get through in order to get there. We have deeply ingrained mental programming that we need to rewrite. 

We must change our deeply held beliefs about ourselves and others, we must get in touch with our Inner Shadow through Shadow Work - in order to begin stripping away these layers.  

What happens is that once we begin to peel off these layers - these layers of duality, of perception, of separation and limitation, of misunderstandings of how the universe and energy, Source and Divinity actually work... we start to become more aware. 

And as we continue to remove layer after layer, we become more and more aware, and that awareness then brings in a next higher vibrational understanding. We then embody that next level of consciousness, and we shift our vibration right up to that level. 

I want to be clear - it's a minuscule shift. We're not shifting from a 5.0 to 6.0, we're shifting from 5.000 to 5.001. And then, 5.002, and 5.003, and so on and so on. 

Because the shifts that we're making in our mental body, our emotional body, our words - they HAVE to be integrated into our daily life.

We have to practice daily and consistently, over and over again, until we're able to shift into those new, higher vibrations. We have to practice consistently shifting into a place of higher alignment, integrity and consciousness. It’s only when we build on what we know, and do something day in and day out that we're able to move closer and closer as individuals to 5D, Unity Consciousness, and Christ Consciousness.

Why is repetition so important?

Repetition is key because we have to take our bodies with us.

5D is not about transcending the human experience. Not at all. 

It literally is about taking our body, and our third dimensional experience of being a human, and elevating that into 5D, Christ Consciousness, into the  Unity Consciousness vibration. That's why it has to be consistent. It has to be repeated over and over again, it has to be intentional and on purpose. 

We need to go into those dark places, the ones that we don't always want to go into. Because the dark places are the things that are experienced in this human condition. Right now we're in duality - so there's a light side and there's a shadow side. We have to address BOTH of those things in order to bring them together and become a fully integrated Being. 

Integrating our shadow doesn't mean, “Oh, I understand I'm a jackass”. It means, asking ourselves, “Oh, I'm a jackass. What can I do to stop being a jackass, in a way that's going to support me and be authentic for me? And that' is not going to harm myself or others?”

It’s a bit of a different way of looking at it. We're not shaming ourselves for being a jackass. We’re asking ourselves, “Why am I the way I am? What created my shadow? What helped perpetuate those patterns? How can I acknowledge that, how can I release it, how can I move on and not be that anymore? How can I change my reactions?”

We have to break down our limits and our boundaries, we have to go deep into our shadow spaces, and we have to receive our activations and recalibrations. Our activations of the higher vibrational field, and then the recalibration of our physical body, our mental body, and our emotional body to align with that new higher vibration.

It’s all about then going out into the world with our higher vibration. Having conversations with people at that higher vibration, having relationships with people at that higher vibration, dealing with our whole range of thoughts and emotions at that higher vibration. 

We’re able to look at situations that may have triggered us before with a fresh set of eyes.  We understand why we are the way we are, how we can get the next step, and how we can integrate our shadow and past experiences with the truest versions of ourselves. 

And when we get to the next level, the next activation, we have to recalibrate everything to that new higher vibration. We don't want to go too fast. If we go too fast, we'll throw ourselves into a healing crisis. You may start to experience ascension symptoms, because the transition of movement through the vibrational spectrum was too fast for your metabolic capacity. You couldn't process it physically.

In that case, what you need to do is take a step back and see where you are. And then, calmly and slowly begin to integrate what you've learned. Because if you're learning things and the vibration is shifting, but your physical experience is not changing, then you're going to be out of alignment, and out of the energetic integrity, which means that you're going to have a whole lot of chaos in your experience. Your vibration has to shift and be fully integrated into your human experience so that your thoughts are different, your experiences are different, and your actions are different. 

The two big signs that you're not doing the integration portion or the recalibration portion is either 1) you’re going to have a whole lot of sickness or 2) you're going to have a whole lot of chaos. 

As we begin to resonate with a higher vibration, we’ll start to notice that things that no longer serve us fall away, and things that don't resonate with a higher vibration begin to drop off. 

The new things that come into our experience are vibrating at a higher frequency. We get to have those experiences with those things, people, concepts and beliefs that are more aligned for us at our current frequency. And then we do the whole process over and over again, constantly upping our vibrational levels and then recalibrating so it’s integrated into our human experience.

It’s important to understand that it can take a lifetime, or lifetimes, for us to shift our vibration enough consistently over time so that we come into and are resonant with the 5D, Christ Consciousness, Unity Consciousness that is happening on the planet. 

The Journey to Collective Evolution

I want you to know: You have been doing this work for lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. 

Otherwise, you would not be here on the planet right now!

Be aware that there are people on the planet right now who are FOR the evolution of the planet, and people here that are AGAINST the evolution of the planet - that's just the way duality works. 

The more we raise that vibration of the people that live on this planet and the planet itself, the less the people that are AGAINST evolution will have an impact. Simply put, less of them will be here because they won't be able to hold the vibration to stay on the planet. 

They'll start filtering themselves out and leaving the planet. And then the people coming IN will be higher vibrational people, souls that have raised their vibration to the point where they can get it to the next level, and the next level, and the next level after that.

And THAT is what we’re all here for.

Right now, people on this earth are either for the evolution of the planet, or against the evolution of the planet. We're here to end this duality. Because we're wrapping it up, and that's why the duality of our existence seems more extreme than ever before. Here we see the light in the dark, we see the for and against, we see the duality in everything. It's because we're all being required to make a choice. Are you for the evolution of this planet or are you against its evolution?

And whichever you are -  you are being asked to commit to that, and to align your thoughts, your emotions, your words and your deeds to that and do it. That's why we’re seeing all of the uprisings, of the for and against... it is because people are being required to choose, and then to act on it and be integrous with their choice. Because that's how we move to our next level.

The ones that cannot maintain that vibration are going to weed themselves out. And the ones that can do the work consistently over time to change their thoughts, emotions, words and deeds, to integrate it into their physical body will shift into the next higher vibration.

Remember: You are here on this planet right now on purpose. No one is placed here to be neutral. You're either FOR or AGAINST the evolution of this planet - period. Even if you think to yourself that you’re not actively marching, or you’re not actively arguing with people - that’s okay. Everybody has a different part to play in this process. You need to do what's authentic and congruent for you. 

I'd love for you to join us in our Living a Congruent Life training as we are concluding 2020 right now. We're going to Level two in 2021, which is going to be Integrity Consciousness. I encourage you to get as much support as you can to up-level your thoughts, emotions, words and actions at this time and learn how to integrate these changes and shifts into your human experience.

This process of evolution can be easier. It can be more flowy and fun. With support, it doesn’t have to be as mentally, emotionally or physically taxing as it is when you go it alone.

Join Us in Your Empowerment Posse Today to Get the Support You Need To Live Your Most Empowered Existence.


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